
羅勒番茄拌飯/Brown Rice w/ Tomatos & Basil

烹煮時間: 40分鐘  可做出六人份
l         生糙米或是生五榖米nocoupons1杯
l         2又1/4杯低鹽雞高湯
l         1 茶匙鹽
l         1/4 杯米醋
l         2 茶匙砂糖
l         1 大匙特級冷壓橄欖油
l         現磨黑胡椒粉適量
l         500公克切成大丁塊的番茄
l         1 杯切碎壓緊的羅勒葉(九層塔)
1.      2又1/4杯的水煮滾後,在水中加入1茶匙的鹽以及糙米。在加入食材後水又再度燒開的時候,蓋上蓋子轉小火煮30至40分鐘直到米軟了水都被米吸收之後,把煮好的米放置於另一個鍋中備用。
2.      將米醋、糖、橄欖油、剩下的一茶匙的鹽以及黑胡椒粉少許在一鍋中混合均勻後,將混合好的醬料倒到糙米飯中並加入番茄及羅勒,用大湯匙將所有的食材混合均勻,在此時也要試試食物的口味,若有需要,在此時就可以加以調味,調好味之後將拌好的食材至於一旁幾分鐘以便入味,不到十分鐘,食物就可以上作囉。此食譜冷卻至室溫或入味即可上菜。
Rice w/ Tomato and Basil
Cook time: 40 min   Make 6 servings
l         nocoupons1 cup of brown rice
l         2 1/4 cups of low sodium chicken stock222222
l         1 teaspoons of salt
l         1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
l         2 teaspoons of sugar
l         1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
l         Freshly ground black pepper
l         1 pound of large-diced tomatoes
l         1 1/4 cup packed chopped basil leaves
1.   Bring 2 1/4 cups of low sodium chicken stock to a boil and add the rice. Bring it to a boil, then cover and simmer over low heat for 30 to 40 minutes, until the rice is tender and all the liquid is absorbed. Transfer the rice to a bowl.
2.   Whisk the vinegar, sugar, olive oil, salt, and a pinch of pepper together. Pour the liquid mixture over the cooked rice. Add the tomatoes and basil. Mix well. Remember to check the seasonings. Serve at room temperature.
