
菠菜義大利麵/Spinach Spaghetti

烹調時間: 12分鐘 可做: 4人份 (每份一杯半的份量)
l         全麥義大利麵228公克
l         1 大匙的冷壓特級橄欖油
l         2粒蒜頭切細丁備用
l         1/3杯切碎的平葉巴西里葉
l         1/4 杯去籽並切碎的西班牙或是希臘橄欖
l         1 大匙的新鮮奧勒岡草或是1茶匙乾的奧勒岡草
l         1/8 茶匙乾辣椒粒
l         1 罐 (14盎司) 番茄丁罐頭, 不加鹽的比較好喔!
l         3/4 杯切碎的新鮮菠菜
l         1/4 杯帕馬森起司粉

1.      將義大利麵放入一大鍋的煮沸的滾水中煮至義大利麵包裝上所指示的烹調時間。在義大利麵放到水中之後,在水中加入一小把的鹽巴以調味。適度的攪拌義大利麵以免黏鍋。
2.      在煮義大利麵的同時,在一大型平底鍋中用中火來熱油,之後加入蒜頭末拌炒至聞到蒜頭的味道,注意別把蒜頭末煮焦了,焦掉的蒜頭會產生苦味。蒜頭爆香後加入巴西里、奧勒岡草、橄欖及辣椒粒一起再爆香約兩分鐘。之後再加入番茄丁罐頭,整個煮到小滾後再多滾個五分鐘。然後,放入切碎的菠菜拌炒約一分鐘。不要炒過度或是過久,不然菠菜變色或是太軟,會影響口感。
3.      當義大利麵煮好了之後,將水分瀝乾後,將義大利麵倒入平底鍋中與醬料拌炒至混合均勻,盛盤後在上面撒上帕馬森起司粉即可上桌囉!

Spinach spaghetti
Cook time: 12 min Yield: 4 (1 1/2 cup) servings
l         8 ounces spaghetti, vermicelli or angel hair
l         1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
l         2 cloves garlic, minced
l         1/3 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley
l         1/4 cup pitted chopped Spanish or Greek olives
l         1 tablespoon fresh oregano leaves or 1 teaspoon dried
l         1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
l         1 (14-ounce) can diced tomatoes, preferably “no salt added”
l         3/4 cup chopped fresh spinach
l         1/4 cup grated Parmesan
1.         Follow the directions on the package to prepare the pasta. Add some salt to the pasta water while boiling it.
2.         While the pasta is cooking, sauté the garlic with oil in a large skillet over a medium flame until fragrant. Add the parsley, olives, oregano and crushed red pepper to the skillet, and sauté for 2 more minutes.
3.         Add the tomatoes to the skillet and simmer for about 5 minutes. Stir in the spinach and simmer for about 1 minute or until the greens wilt slightly. Do not over cook the spinach.
4.         When the pasta is done, drain it and add it to the skillet, tossing it to combine with the sauce. Top with grated cheese and serve.
