
健康飲食準則/Healthy Diet Goals

l          水果和蔬菜:每天至少攝取4.5
l          魚(最好是油脂豐富的魚):一星期至少吃兩次3.5盎司 的魚
l          富含纖維的全穀全麥類:每天至少三次 1盎司 的穀類
l          鈉:小於 1500毫克一天
l          含糖飲料:一星期不飲用超過 450卡路里(36盎司 )
l          其他飲食措施:
n          堅果,豆類和種子:每週至少4
n          加工過的肉類:每周不超過 2
n          飽和脂肪:總飽和脂肪攝取量應小於每人每天總卡路里的7

Healthy Diet Goals
Updated:Thu, 1 Jul 2010 3:04:00 PM
Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of Americans. We can reduce heart disease by promoting a healthy diet and lifestyle. Getting information from credible sources can help you make smart choices that will benefit your long-term heart health.
For the first time, the American Heart Association has defined what it means to have ideal cardiovascular health, identifying seven health and behavior factors that impact health and quality of life. We know that even simple, small changes can make a big difference in living a better life. Known as “Life’s Simple 7,” these steps can help add years to your life:
1.          don’t smoke;
2.          maintain a healthy weight;
3.          engage in regular physical activity;
4.          eat a healthy diet;
5.          manage blood pressure;
6.          take charge of cholesterol; and
7.          keep blood sugar, or glucose, at healthy levels.
The American Heart Association has a new national goal:
By 2020, to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent while reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20 percent.
As part of a healthy diet, an adult consuming 2,000 calories daily should aim for:
l          Fruits and vegetables: At least 4.5 cups a day
l          Fish (preferably oily fish): At least two 3.5-ounce servings a week
l          Fiber-rich whole grains: At least three 1-ounce-equivalent servings a day
l          Sodium: Less than 1,500 mg a day
l          Sugar-sweetened beverages: No more than 450 calories (36 ounces) a week
Other Dietary Measures:
l          Nuts, legumes and seeds: At least 4 servings a week
l          Processed meats: No more than 2 servings a week
l          Saturated fat: Less than 7% of total energy intake
The American Heart Association recommends that you eat a wide variety of nutritious foods daily.  Remember, even simple, small changes can make a big difference in living a better life.
Resource: American Heart Association

草莓醬全麥鬆餅/Whole wheat pancakes w/ strawberry sauce


烹調時間: 20分鐘 可做: 85吋鬆餅(每份2個鬆餅)
·        ¾杯中筋麵粉
·        ¾杯全麥麵粉
·        1 ½小匙發粉
·        ½小匙小蘇打粉
·        ¼小匙鹽
·        雞蛋2
·        1杯低脂白脫牛奶
·        ½杯脫脂牛奶
·        1大匙蜂蜜
·        ¼小匙香草精
·        糖粉適量(可加可不加)
·        16盎司新鮮草莓
·        1小匙檸檬汁
·        2大匙蜂糖漿或蜂蜜
1.        以中火預熱一個中型不沾平底鍋。
2.        將所有乾粉類倒入盆中充分混合均勻。
3.        在另一個盆子中,將蛋、低脂白脫奶、脫脂奶粉、蜂蜜及香草精混合均勻。
4.        將混合好的濕料加入混合好的乾料輕輕攪拌至正好混合。不要過分攪拌。混好的面糊有顆粒是正常現象,不用將顆粒混勻。
5.        將大約 1/3 杯量的面糊倒入已預熱好的平底鍋中。當鬆餅正面開始冒氣泡且底部呈現金黃色即可翻面。當另一面也煮成金黃色即可起鍋食用。
6.        若想要加草莓醬的朋友可以將大約 1/3杯的自製草莓醬林在鬆餅上在灑上些糖粉即可。

貼心小建議: 先做好的鬆餅可以全用一個盤子成裝蓋上鋁箔紙放入低溫的烤箱中保溫,醬每個人都可以吃到熱熱的鬆餅唷!!!


Whole Wheat Pancakes with Strawberry Sauce

Cook time: 20 min Yield: 8 5-inch pancakes (4 servings)
  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup whole-wheat flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup low-fat buttermilk
  • 1/2 cup non-fat milk
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
  • Confectioners’ sugar, optional
Strawberry sauce ingredients:
·        16 ounces strawberries, fresh or frozen (unsweetened, thawed)
·        1 teaspoon lemon juice
·        2 tablespoons maple syrup
1.      Preheat a large nonstick griddle or skillet over a medium-low flame.
2.      Whisk together the dry ingredients in a bowl.
3.      In another bowl, beat together the wet ingredients (eggs, buttermilk, non-fat milk, honey and vanilla).
4.      Mix the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients to just combine. The batter will still be lumpy.
5.      Pour a 1/3 cup of the pancake batter onto the preheated griddle or skillet. Flip the pancake when the top is bubbling and it is golden brown on the bottom. Then cook until the other side is golden brown. Hold on an oven proof plate in the oven until the entire batch is ready.
6.      Pour about 1/3 cup of the strawberry sauce onto each plate, place 2 pancakes on top and sprinkle with confectioners' sugar, if using.
Strawberry sauce   
 Yield: 4 servings (serving size about 1/3 cup)
Slightly puree strawberries. Heat them in a small saucepan over low-heat, until just warm. Stir in lemon juice and maple syrup.


9 件你不可不知的減脂常識

9 件你不可不知的減脂常識
作者: Gary Matthews

有沒有想過為什麼市面上有琳瑯滿目的減肥產品而人們卻越來越胖?我們現在知道,偏方和重複吃相同的食物是沒有效的,那麼什麼才有效呢?我已經把9 個減脂的要訣整理出來,如果你能遵循下面的提示來進行減脂計劃,那麼我相信你的減脂會是比較輕鬆有效的。

1. 燃燒脂肪:重量訓練


2. 扔掉你的磅秤

3. 一定要吃早餐

4. 不要削減卡路里

5. 少量多餐
可以的話一天吃五~六個次量少的餐點,如此的做法會使身體以為隨時有豐富的食物,也就不會主動減慢你的新陳代謝率。少量多餐也可幫助你維持血糖的平穩。此外,因為你自己知道再過一~兩小時又可以再吃東西,也就比較不會暴飲暴食。 試著在每天入夜前攝取一天所需絕大部分的卡路里,因為這些卡路里才會在白天活動力比較旺盛的時候燃燒消耗掉。

6. 計數卡路里
了解自己減重進度最好的方法就是使用卡路里紀錄器以及誠實的紀錄每天所涉取的卡路里。在誠實記錄卡路里攝取一個星期後,降總卡路里數除於七即為你目前每天所涉取的熱量。想減重,便將此平均後所得之數值減少 300 - 500(一天最多減500,不然會啟動飢餓保護裝置),然後密切注意你身體及體重的變化。

7. 要長期吃同樣的食物來減肥


8. 隨時注意脂肪攝取量

9. 降低脂肪細胞
多餘的脂肪會儲存在人體內的脂肪細胞中。一般人的脂肪細胞估計約有 500億個。當人們長期飲食過量,體內的脂肪細胞將會隨之增加以用來儲存多餘的脂肪。在肥胖的人的體內脂肪細胞可以達到 1000億個。脂肪細胞越多的人則越容易增重也不易減肥。


9 Things You Must Know About Fat Loss

By Gary Matthews

Ever wondered why there are so many diets around out there and people are just getting fatter and fatter. We now know that fad and repeat dieting don’t work, so what does! I have put together 9 fat loss tips below and if followed will make things a lot easier for you on your road to fat loss. Lets have a look at a few:

Burn Fat: Lift Weights -
Muscle determines the speed of your metabolism - the speed of your metabolism depends on how much muscle you have. That’s why men burn fat faster than women… They have more muscle. Women could burn fat faster if they had more muscle. Women are scared to lift weights because they will get bigger muscles!! If only this was were the case.

Women do not have the hormone levels to build big muscles, however they can replace the muscle tissue lost through years of crazy dieting, irregular eating habits and age. Yes everybody is losing muscle, every year; every decade because we are getting older, but only people who let their muscles waste away have slower metabolisms as they get older. Keep your muscles and keep your fat burning machine! The only way to do this is get strong and stay strong.

Toss The Scales -
The scales tell you none of the things you need to know about your body and everything you don’t. They don’t tell you how much fat you have under your skin, they don’t tell you how much skin for that matter. The scales can’t tell you how much fluid is in your body. What your bones weigh and most importantly, how much muscle you have? However, weighing yourself can turn a perfectly good day into a miserable day?

Don’t let an inanimate, household item determine what kind of day you will have! They are not accurate so throw them away. Muscle Vs Fat - Muscle weighs two times as much as fat yet takes up half the space. Muscle is responsible for burning fat.

Muscle is small when compared with fat. Muscle never hangs off your body in unsightly lumps. Muscle looks toned, tight, strong and lean. Muscle is tight and hard to the touch and muscle is heavy. Fat is lumpy and soft and flabby, fat takes up a lot of space, fat hangs off your body. Fat is also soft to the touch and does not weigh as much as muscle.

Always Eat Breakfast -
Research has concluded that having breakfast is important to kick-start the metabolism for the day, the body slows down whilst sleeping and food first thing in the morning actually awakens the body ready for the rest of the day.
Also try eating more fibre at this time as it helps the digestive system work more effectively and will help keep the blood sugar levels spread evenly throughout the day.

Don’t Cut Back On Calories -
Food has a heating effect on the body increasing your metabolic rate; don’t eat less than 1200 calories, as this will throw the body into a starvation mode. Your metabolism will then slow down to conserve the calories that you do have. Try to avoid fad diets if possible as they restrict or reduce the nutrients flowing to the body, which in turn slows down the metabolic rate.

Eat Small Regular Meals -
Eat five or six small meals a day as this will trick the body into thinking that there is an abundance of food and will stop your metabolism from slowing down, keeping your sugar levels at a normal level and this will stop you overeating.

Try eating the majority of your food earlier in the day, as the majority of the calories will be burned up while you are awake and active.

Count Calories -
The way to keep track of weight loss is to buy a calorie counter and record your daily calorie intake for a week. Average out your calories for the day and then decrease the calories by 300 - 500 (No More) then gauge what happens. By decreasing the amount of calories per day to this amount you should start losing weight. Don’t go any lower; check the mirror as well as the scales to judge your progress.

Don’t Repeat Diet -
Research shows repeated dieting actually makes it harder to lose weight and easier to put it on because when you dump the diet and return to normal eating habits the drop in metabolic rate caused by the diet means that your old habits actually represent an excess in calories.

Not only do you regain the fat stores just lost, but also you may even gain an extra bit. If you find your weight loss starting to slow or stop over a period of time, increase your walking pace a little or throw in a couple of hills along your route.

Keep Track Of Fats -
This may appear difficult to maintain and calculate but it isn’t. On nearly all packaged food these days there is a nutritional label with a fat indicator per 100gms of that particular food. What your looking for here is a figure below 10 gms and nearing 5 gms would be the ideal. So purchasing and consuming foods around this range you’ll be on your weight loss target.

The Low down On Fats -
It is stored in the fat cells of the body. The number of fat cells is estimated to be around 50 billion for the average person.

It can be up to 100 billion for the obese person. Fat cells are like storage tanks of energy to be used for later use. It has been shown that obese people who binge eat may stimulate baby fat cells to sprout to increase the number of fat cells.

Believe me, once you start applying these 9 tips to your everyday weight loss regime you will start to notice the difference in a short period of time.

紅蘿蔔杯子蛋糕/Carrot cake cupcakes


烹調時間: 45分鐘 可做: 22個杯子蛋糕
  • 1 1/2  杯白砂糖
  • 1 1/3  杯沙拉油
  • 1 茶匙100%香草精
  • 3 大雞蛋
  • 1 杯中筋麵粉
  • 1 杯全麥麵粉
  • 2 茶匙肉桂粉
  • 2 茶匙小蘇打粉
  • 1 1/2 茶匙鹽
  • 3 1/2 杯紅羅蔔絲
1.        將烤箱預熱至180度C。
2.        在一個中型容器中用電動攪拌器將糖、沙拉油及香草精充分混合。之後加入逐個雞蛋。混勻後置於一旁備用。
3.        在另一個容器中,將麵粉、肉桂粉、小蘇打粉及鹽一起過篩,置於一旁備用。
4.        1/2的乾料加入混合好的濕料中並以低速攪拌,置於一旁備用。
5.        將紅羅蔔絲加入剩下的乾料中混合均勻後,將混合好的紅羅蔔倒入先前的混合料中攪至剛好混合好的狀態。注意請別過度攪拌!!!
6.        將以混合好的蛋糕餡料到入已經舖好烤紙的杯子蛋糕模型中,裝至七八分滿。.
7.        200度C烤十分鐘然後將溫度降到180度C 在烤35分鐘,直到中心不會沾黏在筷子上。放置於網狀架上待涼後即可食用。

Carrot cake cupcakes

Cook Time: 45 min Yield: 22 cupcakes
  • 1 1/2  cups sugar
  • 1 1/3  cups vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 3 extra-large eggs
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup whole-wheat flour
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 3 1/2 cups grated carrots (less than 1 pound)

1.      Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
2.      Beat the sugar, oil, and vanilla together in the bowl with an electric mixer. Add the eggs, 1 at a time. In another bowl, sift together the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, and salt. With the mixer on low speed, add 1/2 of the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients. Add the grated carrots to the remaining flour, mix well, and add to the batter. Mix until just combined.
3.      Line muffin pans with paper liners. Scoop the batter into muffin cups until each is 3/4 full.
4.      Bake at 400 degrees F for 10 minutes then reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F and cook for a further 35 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool on a rack.