
雞肉酥皮濃湯/Individual Chicken Pot Pie

烹調時間: 90分鐘  可做四人份
l         570公克的去骨去皮雞胸肉切成1.5公分的雞丁放一旁備用
l         1 茶匙的油
l         現磨黑胡椒粉適量
l         2 大匙橄欖油
l         一杯韮蔥切成小片
l         2 條西洋芹菜切丁
l         2 個中型馬鈴薯切成1.5公分丁
l         250克四季豆去頭尾並切成1.5公分小段
l         2粒蒜頭切成細末
l         1 1/2 杯低脂或是脫脂牛奶
l         1/3杯中筋麵粉
l         2 杯低鹽雞高湯
l         1 杯紅蘿蔔丁
l         2大匙新鮮的切碎巴西里葉或是1茶匙乾的巴西里
l         1大匙新鮮的百里香或是1/2茶匙乾的百里香
l         4張化凍的酥皮
l         2 大匙帕馬森起司粉
1.      將烤箱預熱至攝氏175度。將四個烤箱專用烤碗抹上油預防沾黏。
2.      將雞肉用1/4茶匙的鹽及適量的黑胡椒粉醃製五分鐘。雞肉在醃製的同時,在一個大的平底鍋中以中火加熱2茶匙的油,等油熱了之後將準備好的雞丁放入鍋中慢煎五分鐘,不要一直翻動,只要翻一次面就好,煎好後將雞肉起鍋置於一盤子中備用。
3.      雞肉起鍋後,在同一鍋中加入2茶匙的油,然後以中小火將切好的韮蔥、西洋芹及紅羅蔔丁放入鍋中拌炒約3分鐘至蔬菜變軟,之後將馬鈴薯丁、四季豆丁、蒜頭末、鹽還有胡椒粉也加入鍋中一起拌炒2分鐘。
4.      將牛奶加入鍋中烹煮,在一旁先將麵粉與雞高湯混合均勻後,在將混合好的雞高湯麵粉混合湯料倒入鍋中與牛奶及蔬菜一起烹煮。在烹煮過程中需不停的攪拌以免年鍋底燒焦,一直煮至滾後將火轉成小火並蓋上鍋蓋讓其悶煮個十分鐘,悶煮過程中每兩、三分鐘攪拌一次。之後將雞肉丁、巴西里及百里香加入鍋中混合一起烹煮一分鐘,關火後,將湯料平均分配至四個已經塗好油的烤碗中。
5.      將烤碗的碗口塗上一層橄欖油,然後將每個烤碗上舖上一張酥皮,並將酥皮與烤碗的連接處壓緊。
6.      在每一個用好的酥皮上塗上些許的油並灑上些許的帕馬森起司粉。
7.          將烤碗放入攝氏175度的烤箱中烤大約30分鐘或是直到濃湯有點溢出酥皮變成金黃色,即可拿出食用。

Individual Chicken Pot Pie
Cook time: 90 min  Yield: 4 servings
l         1 1/4 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1/2-inch chunks
l         1 teaspoon salt
l         Freshly ground black pepper
l         2 tablespoons of olive oil
l         2 bottom 4 inches of leeks, washed well and chopped
l         2 stalks of celery, chopped
l         2 medium potatoes cut into 1/2-inch pieces
l         1/2 lb of green beans, trimmed and chopped into 1/2-inch pieces
l         2 cloves of garlic, minced
l         1 1/2 cups of low-fat milk
l         1/3 cups of all-purpose flour
l         2 cups of low-sodium chicken stock
l         1 cup of diced carrots
l         2 tablespoons of chopped fresh parsley leaves or 1 teaspoon of dry parsley
l         1 tablespoon of fresh thyme leaves or 1/2 teaspoon of dry thyme
l         4 sheets of frozen pastry dough, thawed
l         2 tablespoons of grated Parmesan
1.         Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease 4 individual-sized baking dished with some oil.
2.         Season the chicken with 1/4 teaspoon salt and black pepper. In a large skillet, heat 2 teaspoons of the oil over medium-high heat. Add the chicken to the pan and cook for 5 minutes, turning once. Transfer the chicken to a plate.
3.         Add another 2 teaspoons of the oil, the leeks, celery and carrots to the pan and cook until vegetables begin to soften, about 3 minutes. Add the potatoes, green beans, garlic and salt and pepper and cook for another 2 minutes.
4.         Add the milk to the pan. Stir the flour into the chicken stock until dissolved and add to the pan. Keep stirring while cooking, until the mixture comes to a boil. Then reduce the heat to medium-low heat. Cover and simmer, stirring occasionally for about 10 more minutes. Then add the chicken, parsley and thyme into the pan. Mixed well then spoon the mixture into the prepared baking dishes.
5.         Brush the rim of the baking dishes with olive oil. Place a sheet of pastry on top of each baking dish and brush with oil. Do the same for the remaining 3 baking dishes. Press the dough onto the dish rim. Top each pie with Parmesan.
6.         Place on a baking sheet and bake about 30 minutes or until the filling is bubbling.
