
草莓醬全麥鬆餅/Whole wheat pancakes w/ strawberry sauce


烹調時間: 20分鐘 可做: 85吋鬆餅(每份2個鬆餅)
·        ¾杯中筋麵粉
·        ¾杯全麥麵粉
·        1 ½小匙發粉
·        ½小匙小蘇打粉
·        ¼小匙鹽
·        雞蛋2
·        1杯低脂白脫牛奶
·        ½杯脫脂牛奶
·        1大匙蜂蜜
·        ¼小匙香草精
·        糖粉適量(可加可不加)
·        16盎司新鮮草莓
·        1小匙檸檬汁
·        2大匙蜂糖漿或蜂蜜
1.        以中火預熱一個中型不沾平底鍋。
2.        將所有乾粉類倒入盆中充分混合均勻。
3.        在另一個盆子中,將蛋、低脂白脫奶、脫脂奶粉、蜂蜜及香草精混合均勻。
4.        將混合好的濕料加入混合好的乾料輕輕攪拌至正好混合。不要過分攪拌。混好的面糊有顆粒是正常現象,不用將顆粒混勻。
5.        將大約 1/3 杯量的面糊倒入已預熱好的平底鍋中。當鬆餅正面開始冒氣泡且底部呈現金黃色即可翻面。當另一面也煮成金黃色即可起鍋食用。
6.        若想要加草莓醬的朋友可以將大約 1/3杯的自製草莓醬林在鬆餅上在灑上些糖粉即可。

貼心小建議: 先做好的鬆餅可以全用一個盤子成裝蓋上鋁箔紙放入低溫的烤箱中保溫,醬每個人都可以吃到熱熱的鬆餅唷!!!


Whole Wheat Pancakes with Strawberry Sauce

Cook time: 20 min Yield: 8 5-inch pancakes (4 servings)
  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup whole-wheat flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup low-fat buttermilk
  • 1/2 cup non-fat milk
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
  • Confectioners’ sugar, optional
Strawberry sauce ingredients:
·        16 ounces strawberries, fresh or frozen (unsweetened, thawed)
·        1 teaspoon lemon juice
·        2 tablespoons maple syrup
1.      Preheat a large nonstick griddle or skillet over a medium-low flame.
2.      Whisk together the dry ingredients in a bowl.
3.      In another bowl, beat together the wet ingredients (eggs, buttermilk, non-fat milk, honey and vanilla).
4.      Mix the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients to just combine. The batter will still be lumpy.
5.      Pour a 1/3 cup of the pancake batter onto the preheated griddle or skillet. Flip the pancake when the top is bubbling and it is golden brown on the bottom. Then cook until the other side is golden brown. Hold on an oven proof plate in the oven until the entire batch is ready.
6.      Pour about 1/3 cup of the strawberry sauce onto each plate, place 2 pancakes on top and sprinkle with confectioners' sugar, if using.
Strawberry sauce   
 Yield: 4 servings (serving size about 1/3 cup)
Slightly puree strawberries. Heat them in a small saucepan over low-heat, until just warm. Stir in lemon juice and maple syrup.
